Last Transfer

What’s Up Family!

I’m sorry these past few weeks haven’t been so hot for all you guys. I miss you guys so much and I can’t believe I’m almost home. Me and all the boys are getting super trunky over here! hahaha but we’re having fun while were enjoying our last few weeks here on this beautiful island.

I’m so glad to hear the funeral went well. I wish I was there just to be with all you guys and the family. Home won’t be the same without grams. But like my mom said, this is how she would want to go. But it’s hard not to be selfish when we didn’t want it to end now. I loved Grandma so much and it’s going to be hard coming home and she’s not there or Reed. But I’m glad we had this beautiful opportunity to grow up into this gospel and understand the plan. Or it would make life hard to move on from this. But again, like I said, I can’t wait until we’re all again together as a family.

Blake Barney wrote me just barely and I cannot believe his home now! I can’t wait to get back with the boys. It’s just making me even more trunky than ever!!! hahaha but it’s all good its normal right?

Well anywho…. I didn’t get transferred. But I got a new companion for my last and final transfer. Hecka excited because we both finish together ahahaha! I don’t know why my mission pres decided to put two guys that are finishing together as comps on their last transfers. But this guy is tika though! His name is Elder Tauvaka and he’s from Australia. He’s been in my district since I’ve been in Tonga so we’ve been way tight. We’re just still surprised we’re companions and stuff. But it’s cool though! He’s a hard worker.

We just had one of our fakataha aleleas and we were able to get a ton of names to teach. And that’s all we’ve been waiting for and I know having ward meetings is another way of getting missionary work done because it puts us all on the same page. So I’m looking forward to finishing strong with this guy for my last transfer. But I was sad when Elder Tupou left. But I’m going to hit him up to get a final haircut before I come home haha (;

I had my district meeting today and I’ve gone my whole mission not having sisters in my district until now….. They are so embarrassing cause the Tongan girls here just fahi on you all the time and make ya feel dumb when you’re in front teaching the lessons and stuff but it’s all good. I’m just enduring to the end I guess. They’re fun and stuff but the Tongan sisters here are just hard because they give you a hard time and they’re kolekoleas and so you just got to have a lot of patience with them. But my district is brand new. Just me and my companion are the only ones that stayed. So were the OGs over here.

We’ve got baptism dates finally for Melika and Kalo for the 24th this month so we’re praying so so so so hard that it goes through and they keep up with their commitments. It’s been tough with these two, but things should go well. We have our Ward conference the last week of this month so we have a lot of fun things planned that week for us with the ward. I love my area my bishop is way tika! And the ward members are awesome. I hope we can all come back here sometime so you can this beautiful place. I miss and love you guys so much! You guys really keep me going. I dedicate this last transfer to you guys! I can’t wait to hear from you and talk to you! much ofas!


Elder Berry

Birthday Week

Male Famili,

Hahaha thank you so much for all the birthday wishes! Like forreal, I appreciate all the love! I miss you guys so much! 8 more weeks and I’m home! I can’t believe it. I’m so excited to get home, but then again it’s gonna be so weird when I leave and how much I’m going to miss this place.I was thinking about that today of just how free I am being out here in Tonga and like all the cool things I’ve been able to do out here. It’s gonna be fun coming back home and seeing my family again, but it’s gonna be a blow leaving this beautiful place.

For my birthday this week, I think I’m just going to buy a lot of pizzas for like my district, so we can just sort of celebrate that way and just hang out and stuff. I’ve been kicking it a lot with my zone leaders lately and just chilling with them. So it’s been fun these past few weeks. Mom it was really fun to talk to you and Dad on facetime for Mother’s Day. I honestly didn’t want to Facetime you guys because I just wanted to wait to talk to ya’ll in person, but it;s whatevers haha.

Yesterday we had like our satellite thing with the quorum of the 12, so we were with like our stake and everything at the stake center. So it’s always fun to go to those with everyone there and scout out some prospects for future wives (; hahahah just playing. But the meeting was good I don’t know if you guys had your guys’s like satellite thing, or if you guys talked on the same topic, but our topic they were focusing on keeping the Sabbath day holy, and honestly even Mom and Dad know that is not a problem here in Tonga. But it was good talks and they talked like how to run meetings and we need to have like fakataha alelea and stuff every Sunday and like that’s how we can like hasten the work and what not. So they’re all good talks.

Quinten L. Cook was presiding the meeting, so it was nice. But after the meeting we had a 4 hour meeting with all the stake leaders and ward leaders and they asked the elders in my zone to attend the meeting. Like I’m not gonna be hating on it or anything, but 4 hours on how we can make sacrament more spiritual was just way too long. And I didn’t really know the point of why we were there because they didn’t ask us anything. We just sat there. But me being a member of the church, I can say it was a good meeting. I just think that us missionaries could of been doing something more useful. But not trying to be a downer, but I guess I am haha. It was a good meeting all around.

This week me and my companion were finally able to papi one of our investigators. I don’t know if you guys remember, but we were teaching a kid like last month name Ha’usia and he’s like 14. At first his mother said no to us for papi, but we were still able to teach him at church because he was allowed to come and stuff. But like just last week, I was just praying to get this work going or to just help me have to desire to keep going strong because the works been slow. Then we got a call from our bishops counselor saying Ha’usias mom said yes we could baptize him; so we reviewed all our teachings and he was solid. We quickly got him interviewed and we papi him on Wendesday. So this week I was happy reporting numbers because I haven’t had a papi in such a long time. My companion, Tupou, papi’d him and we’ll foaki the Holy Ghost this week because we weren’t able to this past Sunday.

We went to one of our fafangas and it was our kaingalotus birthday that day. All the family and friends were over to celebrate. But there was this beautiful fair skin girl there with brown curly hair and I was so blown away for how pretty she was but…. she was married…. but anyways I was like “fefe hake?” And she just stared at me for like 10 seconds and then I was like “sai pe koe?” Which is just like (you okay?) and then she said “io sai pe…” like confused. Then it was like awkward for some reason and my comps like “lea ki ai i he lea fakapalangi.” And then I was like “how are you?” in English and she’s like “Oh I’m good.” And then I asked her if she was from like New Zealand or Australia, and she said she was from the Solomon islands, but like straight away she asked me if I would teach her about our church.

I was thrown off a little because I’ve taught like 2 lessons in English and it’s weird because you try to like switch your Tongan vocabulary to English and I never thought how weird it is to teach in your native tongue, but she didn’t really have any questions, so I just talked about the restoration and like how our families are one of the most important things in our gospel and how we can be sealed forever after this life. She didn’t believe there was a life after this one. And that was a shock becausehere in Tonga, almost everyone believes there’s like life after death. But it was kind of cool to like ask her questions like: why would God give us this beautiful world and a family and then it just ends after this? And she said she’s never thought of that. I told her about what happens in the temple, and how we are able to be sealed forever. Then she got way interested in the temple and so I showed her a picture. And man, I like love my comp, and he understands English and speaks a little bit of it, but he kind of got to take a break this time haha from the teaching. But she was saying how she wants to go to this temple one day. I told her it’s possible.

Anyways, that is just a summary of that. We talked seriously for like 40 minutes. After, we set up a time with her, but she lives all the way out in a different area, so I was kind of bummed because I had to call the elders there to go find her…I hope everything goes well with her. I pray every day her heart will soften so her and her husband will accept the gospel.

But yeah that was my week. It was pretty good. A lot more than the usual. But I miss and love you guys so much! I can’t wait to talk to you guys next week! much ofas from this guy.


Elder Berry

That American Food

Male Famili!

What’s been good with all y’all?

This week was a bummer because I was like so sick at the beginning of the week. But I was just being a little girl. haha. I was tested for negative on the dengue fever. So that was good, but I was still like throwing up and what not. So I think I just had like da flu. But it was all goods though.

So nothing much went down this week. We still have two investigators we’re working with. melika aho and kalo aho. Both doing well. We’re just waiting for some things before we baptize them. I really hope they go through because they both say it’s true, but they’ve been throwing out some lame excuses to like delay it. But we just visit with them and make sure they’re keeping up with their commitments.

Yesterday was a good fast Sunday. I was able to feel the spirit all day yesterday, and it felt great. Just a good day. We were able to get like a thing when the members give you a person to teach, and we got a young girl still in school name Siu. So we hope we’re able to work with her this week.

I haven’t had a papi in a long time and it’s really discouraging me lately. So I’ve been trying to stay active and just keep pushing along with the work. Like I said, it’s getting harder and harder because I’m getting closer to coming home and it doesn’t help when I’m with all my boys from my intake and that’s all we talk about when we see each other.

I’m starting to miss that American food. But yesterday we had a meeting with Pres. Kivalu. He is the man haha He was telling everyone in the meeting that you coached him at Rick’s College, Dad hahaha. It’s cool to like know someone from across the world that knows your palangi dad haha.

But yeah nothing too crazy has been going on. Just having and just trying to endure to the end. I miss and love you guys so much and you’re in my prayers on the daily. Can’t wait to see you guys and hopefully talk to you guys. much ofas!


Elder Berry

Been Sick

Male Famili!

Hey like I’m so sorry I’ve been killing you guys on my email. But, like, on the real note, since I’m like almost done, I just don’t care to email as much because I just want to wait to see all you guys and talk about everything.

I wanna say I miss you guys so much! This week our area 70 came to speak to all of us missionaries. This mission has been really disobedient and so he knew that and he was talking about how we need to change. When he spoke to us, he was really focusing of D&C chapter 4 on how it’s the last days and people are ready to be taught and if we aren’t worthy then the Spirit won’t be able to work through us.

It was good, but it was sad that had to be the topic you know. Our Mish Pres has been really cutting down on the disobedients. Like if you go over area, he’s sent three elders home for that. Just because of too many chances.

Also at the meeting it was good to see all the missionaries and meet the ones I’ve never met before. Me and Bunting have been talking a lot lately on the phone, and were just talking about how trunky we are hahah!

So like always there are a lot of missionaries wanting to net. And plus, I’ve been kind of sick and so my nurse thinks I might have dengue cause I’ve been throwing up and stuff and just been weak lately. She’s taking me to get a blood test in a half hour. But I love and miss you guys so much! Hope all is well. much ofas!


Elder Berry

Prince of Tonga

Male Famili,

Hahah sorry I was way late last week for writing ya’ll. I just wasn’t able to get a hold of a computer because all of us we’re way busy with things and what not.

But these past weeks have been way slow! It’s driving me crazy. Just a lot has been going on, so not so many people were really home because of like the sports and conference and stuff. Although, it’s been like a fun past few weeks because of all the events, but when it comes to the end of the day not much has been going on.

We’ve still been teaching one of our investigators Melika, and she’s been progressing.  She’s just been really busy. But she did come to general conference and stake conference. So it was good to see her there. Me and my comp have just been going around visiting members and trying out to find a way we can like come over to members houses and like not be a burden ya know? Because when they see us they already assume we’re there to ask them if they have anyone we can teach. And it’s always a “we’ll get back at you if there is someone available.” So we’ve still been trying to like fokotuu family plans with them. But they haven’t really been committed to it. But maybe we’re just not putting in enough work if to push them. I don’t know?

Conference was way good! I had to honestly draw pictures to keep myself awake because I was so tired for some odd reason.  But I was able to focus in and listen. You were totally right mom, they really did focus a lot on like family and like marriage in this conference. One of the talks I liked was when they were talking about how like his sister that left the church and he couldn’t force her; he just had to wait and watch over time, but he still just invited her to everything and never made her feel left out. I don’t know why I liked that one. Maybe it’s just because I’m a missionary and like with mamalohis and stuff you can’t force them, but just help them and just keep inviting because that’s what my purpose is: to invite and help others.

We just had stake conference this past weekend and it was amazing. One of the quorum of the 70s came and taki the whole fktaha. And the prince of Tonga came to the conference and they invited him to bear his testimony and he did it and they filmed it and it was all over the news.

I’m telling you the work is going to hasten when he gets papi in this church. He’s already like friendshiping a lot of the nobles already and royalty to be taught. And they all speak English so it’s easy for the missionaries so they don’t have to like speak in the kings language and stuff. But it was so cool when the Prince and his sister the Princess came. There was like security everywhere and we all like stood up when he walked in and like everyone was bowing. It was tika! But like for real it was a cool experience.

But in this meeting they were focusing on rescuing people and bringing like potential missionaries back to church and getting them the priesthood and getting them on missions. The 70 had a ton of stories to tell us about some experiences and stories. The spirit was super strong and it was a good conference.

Well I love all you guys! Dad you’re in my prayers and I hope the shoulder is recovering well. Mom I hope the marathon went good. Thank you for sending me everything I request for. I hope you’re foots getting better. Jake congrats on the new calling. You’re going to be a great leader for the young men in your ward. Katie I hope you’re doing well and staying healthy with the babe.

Mom tell Grandma thank you for her letters. I love getting them and reading the articles. I hope she’s recovering well with everything she’s been struggling with her foot. Family! I love all you guys and miss you so much! And you’re always in my prayers. I can’t wait to see you guys soon. A lot of the missionaries are going home today and it got me excited as well. much ofas guys!


Elder Berry

Outcome and Income

What’s up Famili!

This week was pretty slow. Last week we were poppin with people and teachings and commitments to papi. So I thought this week would even be better because we had so many referrals and what not, but the people we’ve been teaching didn’t come to church. They went to their own because of Easter weekend.

One of our investigators didn’t come named A’usia, and we can’t papi him now because his mom beat him when she found out he was being taught. And another name Melika—she hasn’t been keeping the word of wisdom so we are struggling there too.

It was kind of weird actually. I’ve like never had this problem my whole mission like all my fiefanongos have been like pau for papi and like ready. So this is like a new struggle I’ve run into, but we’re working and trying to work hard with these people, but they’ve been tough.

All this week we just tried to invite people to church because of Easter Sunday. But we only got like 3 out of the 17 we committed. I feel like maybe I’m not trying hard enough to push them and I’m just like going through the motions and then sitting back to see if they’ll just do it on their own. I feel like I’m just getting lazier now since I’m almost done.I’ve been praying to just keep me going strong because I have the drive and desire, but it’s like just getting me down on the progress lately. I don’t know. But there’s the complaint of the week hahaha.

But besides that, life’s been good. I love my companion. He is the best missionary out there. He really pushes me and since he’s Tongan my Tongans been improving a lot with him haha. I wish it could of been like this at the beginning. But “ya lose some ya win some, as long as the out come is income” hahahah There’s a quote for you guys to wrap you head around haha.

I think another thing I’ve learned being here on the mainland of Tonga and being with Elder Tupou is just the material things don’t matter. I used to care if my stuff got jacked but I think now it’s just wearing off of me now because they just don’t matter! And I know if one of my things gets stolen or taken, I know someone will give me their shirt or shorts if I ask for it. I think it’s whats really made me realize I didn’t love the people fully until I gave that ulunganga that I had, and doing it has just made this mission so much funner and easier.

But I just wanna say life has been good and I love you guys so much and miss ya’ll like crazy! Double digits now until I’m home haha but who’s counting. (; sorry just other missionaries need to get on now. much ofaz guys!


Elder Berry

Mac N Cheese Please

What’s up Famili!

Nothing too crazy went on this week. Just the works. It’s picking up real well and I was able to have some meetings with Pres. Tupou and get some good council from that guy and learn some new things from him.

We’ve been really stressing on getting our papi invitation down and with asking inspired questions to them. So I’ve been trying to take in all that we’ve been learning in our meetings so we can pick up this work.

We were able to commit four people to baptism this week, but they committed to they will be papitized when they know for sure this church is true. So we’re just trying to help and prepare them so they’ll be ready for their papi day. I’m super excited and hope all the plans go through.

This week was a lot better than last week and I hope it just keeps getting better and better. Us and all the guys in my kau hu are getting really trunky out here. But we’re trying to finish strong without thinking about home. But sorry this email is short again. I just don’t have much time cause its already late tonight. Hopefully I will be able to report better next week.

And yes I got the package. The APs brought it over and I was on a split with the zone leaders and it was gone within an hour! But thank you so much for it, and they all say thank you as well too. And the mac and cheese was the money maker in the package! But i love ya’ll and home all is well! Much Ofas!

ofa lahi atu,

Elder Berry

Trying To Stay Positive!

Hey family,

Sorry I wasn’t able to net last week. But I honestly got to hurry real quick with the email because there’s a lot of missionaries that want to net as well. But this transfer has been the most stressful transfer I’ve ever had in my whole mission. Just because if something bad goes down in my district, I get the heat for it. Like if missionaries go over area and get caught or like if their numbers aren’t good on their weekly report.

It sort of blows because I just want to tell them I didn’t asked to be put in this position. It’s probably been the most negative I’ve been in my whole mission as well, so I apologize. But everyone tells me just because you’re a leader now doesn’t make you any different than the other missionaries. We’re “all the same” but just the responsibility on my back just blows sometimes.

I love this mission, but when the zones are on my case about everything, it’s not as fun as you want it to be. I’m trying to finish strong, but it’s not fun when you’re stressed all the time with everything. We do have one investigator that we committed to baptism a couple weeks ago. We were supposed to interview her yesterday, but she was sick. So hopefully she’s feeling better soon.

On a positive note, to help my stress, I’m still running in the morning. So it’s been keeping me healthy physically and mentally haha. Tell grandma I’m still so grateful for all her letters she sends me. Tell her thank you for me. I won’t lie, I’m excited to come home already. Just overwhelmed when I do because it will be so much for me to take in. I haven’t seen Elder Freer once since we’ve transferred, but that’s super cool you guys went and had lunch with his family. His little sister seems pretty cool. Super out doorsy. Typical Idaho girl haha. But man I miss all ya’ll. I hope everyone is doing good. My comp is a stud and is a lot better than my last comp but I still love my old comp. My old comp is still in my district so I see him every week. I love you guys keep it real trill! ofa atu!


Elder Berry